STEM Education
Designing robotic kits to engage the next generation of scientists & engineers


SeaJelly is an underwater robotic STEM kit designed for students at all levels: K-5, 6-8, 9-12, and lifelong learners.


The robotics kit teaches students about software, electronics, and mechanical design.


Compatible lesson plans are available at the levels of K-5, 6-8, and 9-12. These delve into topics around marine biology and engineering.


Educator training materials are also available for schools and homeschool parents.

Team Events

We organize regional robotics competitions for teams to compete with their SeaJelly robots for prizes.

WHY SeaJelly

SeaJelly is a series of free-swimming aquatic soft animal robots that are aimed at getting more kids involved in STEM. SeaJelly is a great way for kids to better explore cutting-edge STEM topics in a new, fun, and creative way all combined into an easy-to-use kit. This kit can be built either on your own with friends, or as part of a school science class or robotics club. It comes with compatible lesson plans that lead you through a deeper dive into topics related to robotics, engineering, and marine biology!

More news & blogs

GreenSight SeaJelly Robotics Bootcamp

GreenSight hosted a three-day robotics bootcamp for local Boston high school students

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Examining the US DoD's Updated 2023 Rules Concerning Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Summary of the FY23 and FY20 NDAA rules concerning unmanned aerial systems and components.

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Harrell's and GreenSight collaborate to create an all new application planner in TurfCloud

GreenSight Inc. is excited to announce a collaboration with Harrell’s and the addition of a new application planning feature inside TurfCloud.

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Learn More About GreenSight STEM Education